You must complete all the questions in each domain in order to finalise your assessment. Completed domains will be marked with a tick.
You need to complete all domains before you can finalise your assessment.
All questions required. For each question, please select the answer that best describes your organisation today.
We're not sure how we will achieve our goals or purpose.
We have some ideas about how we will achieve our goals and purpose.
We have a plan for how we will achieve our goals and purpose.
We have strategic planning that provides pathways to achieve our goals, mission, and steer us towards our vision.
We have robust strategic planning that provides clear pathways to achieve our goals, mission and vision. It is used to inform our day-to-day activities throughout the organisation.
We are unclear about why our organisation exists and what we want to achieve.
We have some ideas about why our organisation exists and what we want to achieve.
We know our purpose and what we want to achieve and set goals that will help us get there.
We know our purpose and what we want to achieve, and set clear goals in accordance with our mission and values, and are working toward our vision.
We are passionate about our purpose, know exactly what we want to achieve, and set clear and defined goals in accordance with our mission and values, and are always working toward our vision. We regularly review and consider its relevance and importance.
We are unable to explain how our activities support our purpose.
We can explain how some of our activities support our purpose.
We can explain how our activities support our purpose.
We can explain the outputs and outcomes of our activities, and how they support our mission and vision.
We can clearly explain and define the outputs and outcomes of our activities, and demonstrate how they support our mission and vision.
We don’t have time to consider our future.
We occasionally have some time to consider our future.
We consider the on-going sustainability and relevancy of our organisation.
We consider the on-going sustainability and relevancy of our organisation when planning for the future.
We are good at balancing what is needed now with what will be needed in the future, making sure we always have time to consider our on-going sustainability and relevance when considering our long term plan.
You must answer all questions before you can save and progress to the next domain.